Sumber : Sinar Harian

SHAH ALAM – Sebagai sebuah parti politik, UMNO bebas melakukan apa-apa program untuk menarik sokongan rakyat tetapi jangan menyalahgunakan wang kerajaan untuk program UMNO.

Timbalan Pesuruhjaya II Pas Selangor, Iskandar Abdul Samad berkata, beliau mengalu-alukan sekiranya Kerajaan Pusat hendak melaksanakan program-program membantu rakyat, tetapi jangan dilakukan atas nama UMNO jika menggunakan wang kerajaan.

Menurutnya, sebagai contoh janji baik pulih pangsapuri Bukit Sentosa dan Bukit Beruntung akan menggunakan wang kerajaan sebanyak RM15.6 juta bukan wang UMNO maka ia tidak boleh dikaitkan dengan UMNO dan kempen UMNO Juara Rakyat.

“Program ini dilancarkan setelah usaha-usaha lain untuk mendapatkan sokongan rakyat gagal dan ia juga akan gagal kerana rakyat nampak kempen ini hanya untuk mendapatkan undi semata-mata.

“Saya melihat ia sebagai satu permulaan kepada kempen pilihan raya umum yang akan datang.

“Kita tidak gentar dengan kempen ini kerana Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memang telah meletakkan kepentingan rakyat paling utama malah kami tidak perlu mendabik dada yang kami juara kerana memadailah dengan program kerajaan Selangor seperti merakyatkan ekonomi Selangor,” katanya.

Iskandar berkata, beliau yakin dengan program-program yang telah dilaksanakan PR, rakyat akan dapat melihat siapa juara rakyat yang sebenarnya dan siapa yang hanya bermain politik.

Beliau juga mengalu-alukan tindakan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak menyahut cabarannya berhubung isu Bukit Beruntung supaya Kerajaan Pusat menyumbang kepada kos baik pulih, kerana ia telah berlarutan selama lapan tahun.

Beliau berkata, BN wajar menyumbang untuk menebus dosanya yang tidak menghiraukan nasib penduduk kawasan itu sejak sekian lama.

“BN telah berjanji untuk membaik pulih tetapi hanya tiga blok sahaja yang dibaik pulih sebelum PRU 2008 dan itu pun tidak sempurna. Walhal kerajaan PR telah membelanjakan hampir RM400,000 untuk baik pulih dua blok dengan reka bentuk dan penyelenggaraan profesional oleh JKR.

“Bukankah kesilapan perancangan BN yang telah menjadikan kawasannya seperti Bukit Beruntung, Bukit Sentosa dan Lembang Beringin menjadi ‘ghost town’ atau bandar hantu,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Negeri (MPN) Keadilan Selangor, Shuhaimi Shafiei menyifatkan kempen Juara Rakyat hanyalah ‘syok sendiri’ dan retorik semata kerana BN merupakan parti politik yang telah ditolak oleh rakyat, mereka akan keluar dengan pelbagai strategi baru.

Bagaimanapun, beliau tidak nafikan kebaikan yang diberikan kepada rakyat tetapi dalam masa yang sama mereka telah merompak tanah dan menindas rakyat.

Menurutnya, program ini juga dilihat seolah-olah seperti ‘apabila sudah terhantuk baru tengadah’, apabila terdesak baru BN hendak buat itu dan ini.

“Apa yang dilakukan BN sangat berbeza dengan PR yang sentiasa mendengar luahan hati rakyat. Kita akan sentiasa cuba membantu rakyat tetapi jika tidak dapat melaksanakannya kita akan menerangkan situasi sebenar atau memberi alternatif lain,” katanya.

Naib Pengerusi DAP Selangor, Charles Santiago berkata, program tersebut dilaksanakan setelah melihat kepentingan dan ideologi UMNO mula tergugat.

Menurutnya, BN terpaksa mencipta pelbagai program untuk menarik dan mendapatkan semula sokongan rakyat.

Bagaimanapun katanya, rakyat hari sudah semakin matang dan bijak menilai setiap apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan dan apa yang dilihat mereka.

English version :  ‘Ketuanan UMNO’ has a New Name: 1Malaysia?




















(二)制定政策确保警队和反贪委员会独立于巫统和政府部长。 成立独立警察投诉及违例委员会(IPCMC)是其中一个步骤;



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016 – 626 7797

Source : Malaysiakini Chinese version

mp speaks_mkini cn

Press Statement by Member of Parliament Klang Charles Santiago in Klang on 25th July 2009

The Malaysian drama unfolding the last few days surrounding the death of Teoh Beng Hock suggests that race-relations in the country are at its lowest point ever.

Various quarters have turned this sad episode into a race issue.

The New Straits Times recently suggested that MACC is a Malay institution and asked as to why the Selangor MB, a Malay, was questioning fellow Malays and MACC, a Malay institution.

Minister Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz told DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang not to politicise Teoh’s death and turn it into a race issue.

A couple of days ago, UMNO members demonstrated in support of MACC and the police and indicated that they would respond if the opposition further politicises Teoh’s death.

Mahathir, not to be out-done, indicated that Malaysia has been taken over by non-Malays. In fact, the former Prime Minister pointedly noted that the Chinese are the masters in the Malay land.

Taken together, criticisms against the police and MACC are perceived as an attack on Malays and Malay institutions. In fact, it is seen as an attack on Malay political hegemony of the country, ( and note that the economy has been lost to the Chinese). And according to UMNO protestor’s response can be expected if the situation persists.

Why is the country being held hostage by UMNO Malays?

We are aware of the numerous deaths in custody cases involving all races. On the very same day when Teoh was found sprawled in the building that houses MACC, another young Malaysian died in police custody in a different part of the country. And what about the thousands of Malaysians that have died in police custody in the last couple of years.

An unaccountable and non-transparent police force and MACC is a threat to all Malaysians, both Malays and non-Malays.  In fact even UMNO members may fall prey to these very agencies. About six-months ago UMNO member Halimi Kamaruzzman was tortured in the Pahang MACC head office.

Both these institutions have become a source of divisiveness, distrust and ridicule among the population.

MACC and the PDRM are Malaysian institutions. They are public bodies entrusted with specific mandates to protect and promote the interests of the nation and its people. The agencies are paid by the country’s tax payers and are thus accountable to all Malaysians.

These agencies require fundamental reform. The use of race to prevent criticism, cover-up of custodial deaths, change and institutional reform are the indications of a failing state.

And worse still, both these state agencies have been given a new mandate: destabilise Pakatan Rakyat (and thus the botched episode involving Teoh).

How is Najib, consistent with his 1Malaysia going to convince his party-men and women including the New Straits Times and his Minister, Nazri that the police and MACC are Malaysian organisations representing all Malaysians regardless of affiliations?

More importantly, how is he going to convince fellow Malaysians that he is the Prime Minister of all Malaysians and not only UMNO Malays?

The Prime Minister has to do three things:

1.  to openly state that the police and MACC are not part of UMNOs strategy to bring down    the Pakatan Rakyat government. In fact this should be part of the scope of the Royal Commission’s investigations;

2. to put in place policies that ensures that the police and MACC are independent of UMNO and its ministers in government. Here the IPCMC recommendations would be helpful;

3) to instruct MACC, NAZRI and NST to offer an unreserved apology to Teoh’s family on their offensive and racist remarks;

4) to include the cause(s) of Teoh’s death as part of the Royal Commission’s investigations.

Charles Santiago

Member of Parliament, Klang

016 – 626 7797

Source : Malaysiakini

Jun 3, 09 2:51pm An Umno division leader has come under fire for accusing DAP Klang MP Charles Santiago of stoking religious sentiments pertaining to the government’s stand on the war in Sri Lanka.


According to Santiago, Cheras Umno chief Syed Ali Alhabshee suffers from ignorance and his analysis is “clouded by religion and race”.

“He will be shocked to realise there are strong similarities between the occupation and plight of Palestinians and Tamils in Sri Lanka and the people of Burma,” he said in a statement today.

syed ali al habsheeSyed Ali had cautioned Santiago in response to an Utusan Malaysia report on May 28 which featured the opposition MP’s comments under the heading ‘Sri Lanka: Malaysia dituduh pilih kasih‘. (Sri Lanka: Malaysia accused of double standards).

Santiago said he had suggested that Malaysia’s position on the plight of the Tamils in Sri Lanka reeked of double standards during a Bar Council forum last week.

“I criticised Malaysia’s opposition to an UN human rights council resolution demanding an investigation on the allegations of human rights abuses and to ensure the freedom of displaced people and access to drinking water and sanitation in Sri Lanka.

“Malaysia’s foreign minister (Anifah Aman) argued that the government’s decision was premised on the notion of non-interference in another country’s internal affairs,” he said.

Santiago said he countered this reasoning by asking why then was Malaysia and Asean pressuring the Burmese military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and initiate democratic reforms in the country.

“Also, why does the Malaysian government lobby against Israel at the UN and other international fora in support of the Palestinian cause for self-determination and an autonomous home-land.

“Aren’t these activities interfering in the internal affairs of another nation and promoting the right to self determination of oppressed people?” he added.

‘Exposes a shallow mindset’

In view of this, Santiago said it was ‘silly’ of Syed Ali to construe these criticisms as stoking racial sentiments.

“It exposes a shallow mindset and failure to understand history, ethnic conflict and struggle for self-determination of an oppressed community,” he said.

Syed Ali had argued that Malaysia as an active member of the Organisation of Islamic Conference has a responsibility to help the Palestinians.

The Umno leader also argued that the Palestinian cause was a religious one since Muslims were being oppressed by the Israeli regime.

He further suggested that the situation in Sri Lanka was based on a minority group fighting for power through armed struggle and the Malaysian government has never supported armed struggles to form a government.

mtuc cawp water tariff pc 171006 charles santiagoHowever, Santiago (right) disagreed.

He said the Palestinians, Burmese and the Tamils in Sri Lanka share a common fate: they are an occupied people.

Their struggle for self-determination and autonomous homeland needs to be supported by all, he added.

“A consistent foreign policy suggests that the government would have extended the same support to the Tamils in Sri Lanka where the government was unleashing genocide against the minority.

“The Malaysian government chose to support the perpetrator and thus the criticism of double standards,” he said.

Consistent foreign policy needed

Santiago noted that a further similarity between the Palestinians and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was that both are considered terrorist organisations.

“Why do these groups take up arms?” he asked.

sri lanka tamil tigers admit prabhakaran death 250509 02“Since the 1950s, Tamils were systematically denied their constitutional rights, language, education, jobs, business, state-sponsored land grabs, etc.

“State violence was directed at Tamils. Ethnic cleansing was part of state policy. In 1983, one of the worst cases of violence against Tamils witnessed about 3,000 Tamils massacred and about 20,000 businesses destroyed,” he said.

“The upsurge of violence against Tamils resulted in the armed resistance led by the LTTE and others,” he added.

Santiago stressed that what the Palestinians, Burmese and Tamils in Sri Lanka are fighting against is state-sponsored terrorism.

“I urge the Umno chief not to politicise and further dehumanise victims of genocide. It is certainly not the time to suggest that one cause is holier than the other.

“This is a time where women and men of all colour, creed and believe unite against tyranny. This is a time for moral leadership among nations and not opportunistic policy making,” he said.

“I urge Syed Ali to push for war crime trials against the Sri Lankan government as a way of promoting justice for Palestinians,” he added.

The DAP leader also underscored the importance for Malaysia to have a consistent and enlightened foreign policy and not bigotry.

Press Statement by Member of Parliament Klang Charles Santiago in Klang on 3rd June 2009

I refer to Utusan Malaysia’s article entitled ‘Syed Ali ingatkan Ahli Parlimen Klang supaya jangan tiupkan api perkauman! dated Thursday, 29th May 2009.

The Cheras UMNO division chief Datuk Wira Syed Ali Alhabshee was responding to an Utusan article entitled: ‘Sri Lanka: Malaysia dituduh pilih kasih’ that appeared on 28th May 2009.

He took issue with my criticism of the Malaysian government’s policy on the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

The UMNO chief suffers from ignorance and his analysis appears to be clouded by religion and race. He will be shocked to realise that there are strong similarities confronting the occupation and plight of Palestinians and Tamils in Sri Lanka and the people of Burma.

In a panel discussion at the Bar Council I suggested that Malaysia’s position on the genocide of the Sri Lankan Tamils reeks of double standards.

I criticised Malaysia opposition to a UN Human Rights Council resolution demanding investigations of all allegations of human rights abuses and to ensure the freedom of displaced people and access to drinking water and sanitation in Sri Lanka.

Malaysia’s Foreign Minister argued that that the government decision was premised on the notion of non-interference in another country’s internal affairs.

I opined that if this is the case, than why is Malaysia and ASEAN pressuring the Burmese military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and initiate democratic reforms in the country.

Also, why does the Malaysian government lobby against Israel at the UN and other international fora in support of the Palestinian cause for self-determination and an autonomous home-land.

Aren’t these activities interfering in the internal affairs of another nation and promoting the right to self determination of oppressed people?

The UMNO division chief construed my criticism of the country’s policy as stoking racial sentiments in the country.

This is silly.

It exposes a shallow mindset and failure to understand history, ethnic conflict and struggle for self determination of an oppressed community.

Syed Ali posited that Malaysia as an active member of the Organization of Islamic Countries has a responsibility to help the Palestinians. He argued that the Palestinian cause is a religious one since Muslims are being oppressed by the Israeli regime.

He further suggested that the situation in Sri Lanka is one based on a minority group fighting for power through armed struggle. The UMNO leader stressed that the Malaysian government has never supported armed struggles to form a government.

The Palestinians, Burmese and the Tamils in Sri Lanka share a common fate: they are an occupied people. Their struggle for self determination and autonomous home-land needs to be supported by all.

A consistent foreign policy suggests that the government would have extended the same support to the Tamil population of Sri Lanka whose government was unleashing genocide against its minority population. The Malaysian government chose to support the perpetrator and thus the criticism of double standards.

A further similarity between the Palestinians (Hamas; before that Fatah) and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is that both are considered terrorist organisations. Why do these groups take up arms? Since the 1950’s Tamils were systematically denied of their constitutional rights, language, education, jobs, business, state sponsored land grabs etc .

State violence was directed at Tamils. Ethnic cleansing was part of state policy. In 1983, one of the worst cases of violence against Tamils witnessed about 3000 Tamils massacred and about 20,000 businesses destroyed. The upsurge of violence against Tamils resulted in the armed resistance led by the LTTE and others.

In the last weeks, the Sri Lankan government organised mass killings of its minority Tamil population. The Times of London citing UN secret documents indicate that the Sri Lankan security forces would have massacred over 20,000 Tamil civilians towards the end of the onslaught. In fact, based on witness accounts and expert analysis, the paper is suggesting that 1000 people were killed on a daily basis since early May. The figure is about three times the official casualty figures.

At this time, there are about 300,000 internally displaced people held in camps ringed in barbed wire and surrounded by security forces, a situation similar to the Palestinian refugee camps.

Amnesty International has called for an independent probe into the number of civilians killed in the final weeks of the war against LTTE and urged the UN to reveal its own estimates.

Similarly, in 1982, terror was unleashed by the Israeli government on Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila which resulted in the massacre of 3000 Palestinians. The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip experienced Israeli state sponsored genocide late last year.

What the Palestinians, Burmese and Tamils in Sri Lanka are fighting against is state-sponsored terrorism.

I urge the UMNO chief not to politicise and further dehumanise victims of genocide. It is certainly not the time to suggest that one cause is holier than the other.

This is a time where women and men of all colour, creed and believe unite against tyranny. This is a time for moral leadership among nations and not opportunistic policy making.

I urge Syed Ali to push for war crime trials against the Sri Lankan government as a way of promoting justice for Palestinians.

What Malaysia needs is a consistent and enlightened foreign policy and not bigotry.

Charles Santiago

Member of Parliament, Klang

Vice Chairman of Selangor Democratic Action Party

016-626 7797




































Sumber : UMNO Bahagian Cheras

Thursday, May 28, 2009

TUDUHAN Ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago bahawa Malaysia mengamalkan sikap pilih kasih berhubung isu Palestin dan kaum Tamil di Sri Langka sebagai tidak tepat dan bermotifkan politik.

Menurut Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras, Datuk Wira Syed Ali Alhabshee, situasi di Palestin dan Sri Lanka adalah berbeza dan tuduhan yang dilemparkan itu tidak adil kepada kerajaan Malaysia.

Katanya, Malaysia adalah anggota paling aktif dalam Persidangan Negara-Negara Islam (OIC) dan bertanggungjawab membantu rakyat Palestin yang ditindas oleh rejim Yahudi.

“Palestin adalah isu agama dan umat Islam yang tertindas dan di zalimi Isreal, tetapi di Sri Lanka adalah kepentingan perjuangan politik satu kaum minoriti untuk berkuasa menerusi cara pemberontakan,” tegasnya.

Beliau menegaskan, kerajaan negara ini tidak pernah menyokong atau memberi bantuan kepada mana-mana kumpulan pemberontak yang berjuang untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan di negara-negara tertentu.

“Saya mengingatkan Ahli Parlimen Klang, jangan cuba bermain api untuk meniupkan sentimen perkauman di negara ini. Jangan sentuh kepentingan kaum dan agama Islam untuk agenda politik,” tegasnya.

Beliau berkata, tuduhan Charles bahawa Malaysia mengamalkan sikap pilih kasih berhubung konflik yang berlaku di Sri Lanka adalah satu pembohongan dan boleh mencetuskan kegelisahan kaum di negara ini.

Syed Ali yang juga Setiausaha Badan Perhubungan UMNO Wilayah Persekutuan menjawab tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Ahli Parlimen Klang dalam satu forum awam anjuran Majlis Peguam, mengenai konflik di Sri Lanka di Kuala Lumpur semalam.

Charles yang turut menjadi panel dalam forum itu menuduh Malaysia mengamalkan pilih kasih dengan memberi layanan berbeza ke atas masyarakat Tamil di Sri Lanka dan rakyat Palestin.

Syed Ali menyelar sikap Charles yang mengambil kesempatan mempolitikkan konflik di Sri Lanka dengan Palestin kerana ianya ada hubung kait dengan kepentingan agama.

‘Di bumi Palestin ianya merupakan tindakan penghapusan etnik oleh kaum Yahudi terhadap umat Islam dan kekejaman rejim Israel telah mendapat perhatian badan dunia termasuk seluruh negara Islam seperti Malaysia,” tegasnya.

Beliau menjelaskan, rakyat Palestin berjuang kerana menebus kembali tanahair mereka yang telah dirampas oleh rejim Yahudi yang menyebabkan mereka menjadi pelarian di bumi sendiri.

“Umat Islam dibunuh dan hak mereka telah dirampas oleh Yahudi, maka generasi mereka berhak untuk bangun menentang kekejaman dan kezaliman rejim, malah seluruh masyarakat dunia memberi bantuan kemanusian kepada rakyat Palestin,” ujarnya.

Sehubungan itu, Syed Ali membidas sikap Majlis Peguam yang bersusah payah mengadakan satu forum hanya bermatlamat untuk memberi fokus kepada kepentingan masyarakat Tamil di Sri Lanka.

“Saya nak tanya Majlis Peguam, apakah majlis itu didaftarkan di Sri Lanka atau di India, jika sangat berhajat untuk dilihat sebagai pembela kaum, maka saya syorkan Majlis Peguam didaftarkan sebagai pertubuhan politik,” tegasnya.

Katanya, tindak-tanduk Majlis Peguam sudah lama menampakkan sikap prejudis terhadap kerajaan dan sengaja mencetuskan sesuatu isu yang menyentuh kepentingan kaum dan menghiris persaaan umat Islam di negara ini.

Sehubungan itu, Syed Ali meminta kerajaan khususnya Kementerian Dalam Negri (KDN) supaya memantau apa jua aktiviti Majlis Peguam bagi mengelak wujudnya unsur-unsur yang boleh mencetuskan ketegangan kaum.

“Majlis Peguam majoritinya di anggotai oleh kaum India dan mereka sering mencipta isu yang menyentuh kepentingan umat Malayu dan Islam di negara ini. Perbuatan ini sudah lama berlaku dan perlu diberikan perhatian serius oleh kerajaan,” tegasnya.

Source : Malaysiakini

Feb 12, 09 11:57am

Ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago menyifatkan tindakan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) merampas akhbar rasmi PKR dan PAS – Suara Keadilan Harakah – sebagai satu perbuatan ‘samseng’ politik.

charles santiagoKedua-dua akhbar berkenaan dirampas kerana memuatkan laporan mengenai pergolakan politik ekoran pembentukan kerajaan baru Barisan Nasional (BN) di Perak.

“Rakyat mempunyak hak untuk mendapatkan maklumat. Mereka sudah jemu dengan ‘sampah’ yang disiarkan oleh akhbar tempatan dan saluran televisyen, yang dimiliki atau ada kaitan dengan parti kerajaan,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Katanya, isu-isu berkaitan dengan drama politik dan pembentukan kerajaan baru BN di Perak – yang didakwanya tidak sah – adalah perkara yang membabitkan kepentingan awam.

Santiago berkata, rakyat membantah ‘rampasan kuasa’ tersebut yang mengakibatkan tumbangnya kerajaan negeri yang dipilih secara demokrasi.

“Mereka mempunyai hak untuk mengetahui kebenarannya,” tambahnya.

Sehubungan itu, Santiago menggesa kerajaan dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) supaya menghentikan taktik membuli itu dan sebaliknya diminta memberi tumpuan memulihkan ekonomi negara.

‘Gangguan KDN’

Di samping itu, katanya, adalah satu kesilapan besar sekiranya tidak diperbaharui permit Suara Keadilan yang dijadual pada April depan.

Semalam, Ketua Penerangan PKR, Tian Chua dilaporkan berkata Suara Keadilan edisi krisis menggelegak politik di Perak menjadi sasaran rampasan KDN minggu lalu.

Menurutnya, hampir 20,000 naskhah edisi 4-11 Februari dengan laporan “Perak cabar SPR ke mahkamah” dirampas di seluruh negara.

Tian berkata, rampasan terbaru itu paling tinggi sejak organ parti itu mula mendapat sokongan meluas pembaca susulan kemenangan besar-besaran PKR dan pembangkang dalam pilihanraya umum, Mac tahun lalu.

Akhbar dwimingguan PAS Harakah yang memuatkan edisi-edisi terkini pergolakan politik di Perak dirampas di negeri itu, Kedah dan Selangor.

Gangguan KDN juga didakwa berlaku di Pulau Pinang dan Johor.

Ketua pengarangnya Ahmad Lutfi Othman memberitahu Malaysiakini kelmarin, pihaknya sedang mengumpul maklumat jumlah rampasan kementerian berkenaan.

Source : Malaysiakini

Title : Slams home ministry for seizing two party organs, Charles : Control people’s information

谴责内政部蛮横没收两党报 查尔斯:企图控制人民资讯

2月12日 下午1点07分 charles santiago民主行动党巴生区国会议员查尔斯圣地亚哥谴责,内政部没收公正党党报《公正之声》和回教党党报《哈拉卡》的做法蛮横无理,这显示政府企图控制人民可以获得的资讯。







Source : Merdeka Review

Title : Home Ministry ‘visits’ Ipoh book shop, warns not sell PR party organ to public

内政部“造访”怡保书店 警告勿卖民联党报给公众

■日期/Feb 12, 2009 ■时间/05:04:23 pm

■新闻/家国风云   ■作者/本刊曾薛霏

【本刊曾薛霏撰述】内政部今午到霹雳州怡保的学乐书苑,警告店东不得把人民联盟三党的党报卖给非党员;被点名的民联三党党报是人民公正党的马来文版《公正之声》(Suara Keadilan)、中文版《公正报》、回教党党报《哈拉卡》(Harakah)及民主行动党党报《火箭报》。

近一个月来,内政部在全国各地没收人民公正党党报及回教党党报,人民公正党全国宣传主任蔡添强昨天透露,内政部在雪州万宜、安邦、吉隆坡富都车站、印度回教堂及十五碑、砂拉越古晋、吉打华玲、柔佛峇株巴辖、槟城、芙蓉及马六甲等地共没收了一万份左右的《公正之声》。【点击:蔡添强轰内政部没收党报 记者会结束又传没收消息】





另 一方面,独立新闻中心(Centre for Independent Journalism)及巴生区国会议员查尔斯圣地亚哥今天都谴责内政部无理没收人民公正党党报《公正之声》及回教党党报《哈拉卡》,形容这项行动显然是 要控制资讯流通,而内政部的行动与近期的霹雳州政治危机有关。




独立新闻中心指出,政府与人民公正党全国宣传主任蔡添强的说法有所出入。内政部刊物管制及可兰经组秘书仄丁尤索夫(Che Din Yusof)说在全国只没收了四千份报章,但蔡添强则说约二万份《公正之声》被没收。





Source : Merdeka Review

English version :Derhaka, Flunkies and UMNO Thuggery



Date : 11th Feb 2009

First we have a democratically elected Pakatan Rakyat government ousted in a well-executed coup. The shameless tactic was engineered by deputy prime minister Najib Tun Razak to shore up his image as an adept politician ahead of a power transition next month at the ruling UMNO internal elections.

Then we have an overzealous politician, Khairy Jamaluddin, calling for Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin’s citizenship to be stripped. His rallying cry came at a demonstration attended by mostly UMNO members.

News reports say that Khairy worked the crowd to such frenzy that they were united in their view of killing any person who had committed treason. Mohammad Nizar was not just betrayed by elected representatives who were encouraged by UMNO to switch loyalties. He is now also branded a traitor.

Khairy incited the crowd and perpetrated hatred. The police, on the other hand, stood watch while protesters burnt posters of Mohammad Nizar.  The aspiring politician must be frantic to score brownie points with UMNO members to burnish his image as party loyalist. After all he is gunning for the top UMNO youth post.

Pakatan leaders and specifically Mohammad Nizar were accused of inciting the people who had turned up at Kuala Kangsar to protest against the swearing in of Zambry Abdul Kadir. But there is not a whimper from UMNO and Barisan Nasional about Khairy’s blatant attempt to create further chaos in Perak.

DAP Chairman and prominent lawyer, Karpal Singh, has also fallen prey to UMNO’s political thuggery. It is his democratic right as a citizen to file a legal suit against the Ruler. But branding Karpal and Mohammad Nizar as traitors clearly shows that UMNO is trying to use the monarchy as a political tool.

Before the dust on the defection game could settle, we are faced with the resignation of another opposition leader, V Arumugam. He claims to have been threatened and offered RM5 million to join Barisan Nasional. We are also hearing similar allegations from other opposition representatives in Perak.

The Malaysian public are seething with anger over the unconstitutional takeover of Perak. Reports of dirty strategies by UMNO and the Barisan Nasional coalition government would only serve to further annoy the people.

Therefore, the MACC and  police should act immediately and independently on the reports lodged by Arumugam, claiming he has been under the gun from UMNO and Barisan Nasional. The findings of these investigations must be made public as the people have a right to know if ruling politicians are using dubious means to compel elected representatives to cross over.

What can I say about Khairy? It is redundant to urge UMNO leaders to warn Khairy to zip up. They themselves brandish the sword and sneak in racist remarks to create fear among the public.

But such foolish calls should stop. Or they would create further political and inadvertently economic instability in the country.

Charles Santiago

Member of Parliament, Klang


English version : Derhaka, Flunkies and UMNO Thuggery


日期 2009211
















English version : Cranky Mahathir



日期    20081114



























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