Roket Feb 2009

akibat persaingan politik dalaman israel gaza menjadi mangsa

Source : AdilTV / Youtube

Source : Nanyang Siang Pau 11th Jan 2009

Title : Participate the activity of Anti War Coalition at Dataran Merdeka, Police arrest Charles and 21 people


Source : Oriental Daily 11th Jan 2009

Title : Protest over Israel’s attack to Gaza, Police arrest 21 including a MP


Source : China Press 11th Jan 2009

Title : Anti War Coalition assembly : 2 MPs and 19 have been arrested, KL Police Chief : Released after questioned


Source : Malaysian Insider

By Lee Wei Lian and Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 12 – Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar defended the arrests of leaders of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) organised anti-war march last Saturday, pointing out that the Sri Lanka government attacks on the Tamil Tigers should not have been included in the protest.

“If you want to demonstrate in respect of the Palestinian cause, then don’t mix it up with the Sri Lanka cause,” he said at the sidelines of the special parliamentary session on Gaza today.

“The PSM protests were more for Sri Lanka which is a different cause. We cannot have protests in support of separatists movements. They also used curse words against the police,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

“They had many placards in support of separatists in Sri Lanka.”

The Home Minister was commenting on why the police allowed a mammoth protest last Friday against Israel’s invasion of Gaza, but moved quickly to stop the PSM march.

His remarks are, however, inconsistent with that of the police who claimed that the PSM protesters did not have a permit for the rally, and refused to disperse, while those who protested on Friday had dispersed when asked to by police.

In an immediate response, Klang DAP lawmaker Charles Santiago, who was also among 21 people arrested on Saturday, asked: “Is that worse than burning flags?”

“What is the difference? They both want separate states.”

He added that the government should exercise more restraint in the matter as “it was a peaceful demonstration against violence and agitation against innocent people across the world.”

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today told Parliament that it was not proper for the police to arrest those who were “merely doing their duty.”

“They were not against BN, Umno or the Prime Minister but Israeli violence,” he said.

However, MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, in reply, expressed his shock that Lim was using the conflict as a way to compel people to demonstrate.

“Yes, we can have our own stand to give moral support to the Palestinians but not to use it as a platform for your own political purposes,” he said.

Kenyataan Media : Pembunuhan Gaza – akibat persaingan politik dalaman Israel dan sokongan ketenteraan Amerika Syarikat



日期    2009112




以色列内部政治斗争 导致加沙地带屠杀






这是三个以色列政治领袖展开政治角力的后果,他们将在下月举办的大选中角逐总统职位,包括以色列外交部长斯比利维尼(Kadima Tsipi Livni)和本杰明.内坦亚胡(Benjamin Netahanyu)





























Tarikh : 12hb Jan 2009 

Keputusan untuk mula peperangan di Gaza bukan keputusan militari tetapi politik. Ini adalah sebab – satu atau dua hari sebelum bedilan udara bermula, kerajaan Israel menolak inisiatif diplomatik Hamas untuk melanjutkan gencatan tentera selama 6 bulan yang bermula pada Jun and tamat pada 26 Dis 2008.  

Hamas menuntut bahawa kerajaan Israel menghentikan kepungan terhadap Gaza supaya teruskan gencatan senjata. Tetapi tawaran ini tidak diterima oleh pihak Israel.  

Ini adalah sebab  persaingan politik di antara 3 pemimpin politik Israel yang akan bertanding jawatan Presiden dalan pilihinraya umum bulan depan. Persaingan ialah di antara Menteri Luar Isreal dan Presiden Kadima Tsipi Livni dan Benjamin Netahanyu.  

Persaingan sebenarnya ialah siapa lebih hebat memperjuangkan keselematan Israel. Maksudnya, landskap politik Israel mendorong pemimpin mereka menunjukkan ‘prestasi’ mereka dalam menjaga keselamatan Israel dan kekuatan ketenteraan Israel.


Tujuan peperangan dan kekejaman kerajaaan Israeli terhadap penduduk gaza adalah lebih di pengaruhi oleh persaingan politik dalaman Israel daripada melindungi rakyat jelata di Israel daripada serangan roket dari Gaza. 

Ketiga-tiga penganas ini, sedang berusaha untuk menunjukan siapa daripada mereka boleh melindungi penduduk-penduduk Israel.  

Malangnya, mangsa dalam permainan catur politik Israel ialah kanak-kanak sekolah dan ibu-ibu Palestinian.    

Tujuan kedua perang ini ialah melemahkan kekuatan Hamas semasa Presiden Bush masih Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Dan ini merupakan strategi untuk menghalang dan menutup kesemua peluang yang mungkin timbul dalam pentadbiran President Elect Obama untuk mengatasi masalah Palestine-Israel.  

Peranan Amerika Syarikat dalam menyokong kerajaan Israel mesti di kritik and peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh Amerika mesti dihentikan.  Khususnya, senjata-senjata dan wepanory yang di gunakan oleh Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) untuk membunuh rakyat di Gaza dibekalkan olehi Amerika Syarikat. F-16 bombers dan Apache attack helicopters di berikan kepada IDF sebagai geran bantuan ketenteraan, nilainya lebih kurang USD 3 billion.  

Dari tahun 2001 hingga 2006, amerika Syarikat menhantar lebih kurang USD 200 juta spare parts untuk kegunaan F16s.  Pada tahun lalu, Amerika Syarikat menandatangani perjanjian sebanyak 1.3 billion dengan Raytheon corporation untuk memberikan IDF ribuan TOW, Hellfire dan apa yang di panggil Bunker buster missles.  

Dalam kata lain, lebih daripada 800 kematian dan beribu-ribu kecederaan tidak dapat di lakukan tanpa sokongan ketenteraan Amerika Syarikat.  

Amerika Syarikat juga memainkan peranan dengan kerajaan Israel untuk menyekat atau menutup genting gaza daripda penghantaran minyak, makanan, peralatan mesin dan juga menghalang PBB, pemantau hak asasi manusia, wartawan memasuk ke Genting Gaza. Ini adalah satu kesalahan di bawah Geneva Convention. krisis humanitarian yang dihadapi oleh orang palestin sebenarnya telah mencapai takat bencana sebelum bedilan udara Israel berlaku.  

Kesimpulannya, penduduk Gaza ditindas dan menderita bukan diakibatkan oleh serangan roket Hamas. Tambahan pula, perang ini di jalankan untuk mendapat kemenangan politik semasa pilihanraya diadakan. Dan juga memberi amaran kepada negara-negara lain di rantau timur tengah, Israel akan menggunakan kuasa terlampau bila kepentingan mereka di pertikaikan.  

Apa yang harus difahami, Gaza ialah satu territori yang dijajah di mana lebih kurang 1.5 juta penduduk tinggal di khemah-kemah refugees untuk beberapa generasi. Kalau kita bertanya manakah tanah-air penduduk 1.5 juta tersebut, jawapannya ialah kebanyakan daripada mereka adalah berasal dari tanah yang kini di panggil Israel.  

Di Gaza, rakyat Palestin adalah dijajah di bawah kuasa penjajah – Israel. 

Cara comprehensif untuk mengatasi masalah ini ialah  a) menghentikan penjajahan Israeli; b) menghentikan polisi apartheid Israel and c) dan penukaran dasar kerajaan Amerika Syarikat supaya berasaskan keadilan dan kesaksamaan untuk semua.

Sekarang, sudah sampai masa untuk memulakan prosiding jenayah perang terhadap rejim Israel. Lebih pentingnya, saya menyokong pandangan beberapa pihak bahawa kerajaan Malaysia mengadakan prosiding undang-undang terhadap Israel kerana ia telah melanggar 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Charles Santiago

Ahli Parlimen Klang


Source : NST


KUALA LUMPUR: “What’s being arrested compared to the hundreds of people being killed in Gaza?”

With this attitude firmly in mind, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) president Dr Nasir Hashim pledged to continue supporting any moves to condemn the atrocities committed by Israel in the troubled Gaza region.

Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Nasir, along with Klang MP Charles Santiago of DAP and PSM secretary-general S. Arutchelvam, were among 21 people held at a candlelight vigil at Dataran Merdeka on Saturday night.

Dr Nasir said he was surprised that the police cracked down on the vigil, as similar gatherings took place concurrently in Johor, Penang, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Perak without incident.

“The sending of the memo to the US embassy on Friday, which we were a part of, did not have a police permit either.

“We were surprised that they stopped us from having our vigil. We did not block any roads or cause any problems. This is giving the country a bad name.

“This is not about Jews and Muslims. It is about the occupation of land. We are upset that the Arab countries are just puppets and that the United Nations is keeping quiet.”

Santiago voiced his bewilderment that the police had selectively chosen to clamp down on their vigil.

“This is contradictory and smacks of double standards. The government is lobbying hard for a ceasefire there, but this is happening here.

“Something is not right somewhere. Since when have candles become a threat to national security? It’s not as if we were carrying guns or bombs.”

Santiago was also upset about the detention of a 13-year-old boy, who had accompanied his parents to the vigil.

“I told an officer that there were laws against the detention of minors and of keeping them with adults. He was apologetic, but said he was merely following orders.

“The police have to educate themselves. They have to change because people and society are changing, too.”

Saturday night’s gathering saw about 150 people taking part to protest the wars in Gaza and Sri Lanka. However, it was called off when police arrested 21 people for not having a permit for the gathering.

They were released past midnight, after their statements had been recorded at the Dang Wangi police district.

Sumber : Sinar Harian

SHAH ALAM – Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang ditahan polis setelah menyertai perhimpunan nyalaan lilin anti-perang di Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur, kelmarin mempertikaikan tindakan pihak berkuasa.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kota Damansara, Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim yang membantah penahanan terbabit menganggap tindakan polis itu seharusnya tidak berlaku kerana beliau dan Ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago cuba berunding secara baik dengan pihak polis.

“Polis tidak seharusnya menahan kami yang menyertai perhimpunan terbabit kerana di negeri-negeri lain seperti Johor, Perak, Pulau Pinang dan seluruh dunia amnya tidak ada sebarang tahanan dibuat.

“Namun polis langsung tidak mahu bertolak ansur walaupun kami cuba untuk berunding pada malam itu bagi menyelesaikan masalah berkenaan,” katanya ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian, semalam.

Dr Nasir berkata demikian sebagai mengulas tindakan polis menahan 21 orang termasuk Ketua Pemuda Pas Wilayah Persekutuan, Kamaruzzaman Mohamad, Penyelaras Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit), Arutchelvan Subramaniam, Ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago dan beberapa orang aktivis Suaram.

Menurutnya, seorang remaja berumur 13 tahun dan lima wanita antara 21 orang yang ditahan dalam perhimpunan aman mengecam tindakan kejam dan ganas Zionis terhadap umat Islam Palestin itu.

“Remaja terbabit dipercayai ditahan bersama ibunya yang menyertai perhimpunan itu pada malam kelmarin,” katanya.

Nasir berkata, beliau dan 20 lagi yang ditahan malam itu telah dibawa ke Balai Polis Dang Wangi pada jam 8.30 malam dan ditahan kira-kira tiga jam setengah di balai berkenaan untuk soal siasat.

“Saya memang tidak berpuas hati dan kesal dengan tindakan itu kerana di sini menunjukkan bahawa polis seperti pilih kasih dan tidak ada penyelarasan dalam melaksanakan tugas,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago ketika dihubungi berkata, tindakan polis itu dilihat seperti menyokong kekejaman Israel terhadap umat Islam di Palestin.

“Bukan sahaja di Malaysia malah seluruh dunia turut menentang keras kekejaman Israel itu, jadi mengapa polis melarang perhimpunan untuk menyatakan rasa protes terhadap keganasan Zionis Israel itu,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, tindakan itu juga telah mencemarkan imej Malaysia kerana sebelum ini kerajaan dan Perdana Menteri turut menentang keganasan yang dilakukan tentera Israel itu, namun kini polis sendiri menghalang tindakan protes berkenaan.

“Polis sepatutnya memberikan peluang dan masa untuk kita menyatakan bantahan terhadap kekejaman itu kerana ini melibatkan soal kemanusiaan dan keselamatan dunia,” katanya.



Date    : 12th Jan 2009


Coalition Against the War activists, NGOs , opposition political party members and myself were forced to cut short a candle light vigil which was planned to protest against Israeli aggression on the Gaza strip and the killings of Tamils by the Sri Lankan government.


The group was stopped by the police as we approached Dataran Merdeka.  Hundreds of anti-riot police, armed with baton and shield, moved in on us. It was as if we were a group of militants, Sri Lankan army personnel or worse Israeli aggressors.


Fervent efforts to negotiate with the police drew to a naught. All we asked for was a 30-minute time frame to register our protest against the Israeli Armed Forces for the continued air and ground strikes that were killing hundreds of Palestinians and condemn the Sri Lankan military for the brutal attacks against Tamils – women and children included.


In return for our request, the police gave us one minute to disperse. Our appeals fell on deaf ears. The police were clearly acting on orders from above.


The police detained 21 people including a 13 year old student.  Also, detained were elected representatives Abdullah Sani (MP – Kuala Langat, Dr Nasir Hashim (ADUN Kota Damansara) and myself.   


I strongly condemn the high handedness of the police force in handling a small group of people who were holding burning candles to bring awareness about the plight of the 1.5 million people of Gaza and millions more in Sri Lanka.


Their conduct smacks of arrogance and demonstrates abuse of the powers vested in their hands.


The attitude by the police is also an insult to the emergency Parliament sitting on Monday, called to discuss the Middle East conflict. The Parliament is expected to pass a bill condemning Israel for its continuing bombardment of the Gaza strip.


After this event, the sitting makes no sense to me.


More than that, it makes a mockery of Malaysia’s stand of the Palestinian issue. It also makes us doubt the sincerity of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his cabinet ministers who have pledged support for the Palestinian cause to the point of toying with the idea of getting school children to protest on the streets.


I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the police had facilitated demonstrations against Israel and its main ally the United States held outside the US Embassy. The police also did nothing to stop a group of people from burning US flags in Kampung Baru. 


Therefore, I can only conclude that the police exercise double standards when dealing with protests organised by civil societies, non-governmnental organisations and opposition political parties.


I strongly call upon IGP Musa Hassan to issue an apology on the unacceptable behaviour of his officers. I also urge Abdullah to issue a strong warning to the police force.


Charles Santiago

Member of Parliament, Klang


Source : youtube / malaysiakini